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git repo: Fenix7667
discord: f.enix
os: FreeBSD

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About me:

My hobbies are: gaming, programming (in C and Lua) and goofing around with UNIX-like systems. My favorite game series are: The Elder Scrolls (in special Morrowind and Oblivion) and Fallout (in special, New Vegas).

This is the place where I rant about real world events and software. Most of what I think is the opposite of what people think, if you think this interests you, read my blog posts! This is what I think about soyware:

Soyware and it's consequences have been a disaster for the open source community. They have greatly increased the usability of those using UNIX-like operating systems.

But they have destabilized society, have made operating systems bloat, have subjected human beings to loss of privacy, have led to widespread psychological suffering (due to requiring 20 billion dependencies) and have inflicted severe damage on the cpus of those using Gentoo.


Unused RAM is not wasted RAM.
Soyware and it's consequences.
AI art, automation and the future.